Our No Hassle Weather Policy

We aim to provide the best service possible and hold you, our customer as the highest priority. As a responsible company and one of Edmonton's leading inflatable providers, we strive to maintain our equipment in good, clean, presentable condition. The weather can change very quickly in the Edmonton area and as with any outdoor event you are at the mercy of mother nature. We all know that an outdoor event without the entertainment is never a good scenario. It is with regret that in some cases we may have to cancel due to very poor weather or other extreme conditions.

What You Need To Know

We want to take the hassle out of the difficult weather issue in party planning. If we believe that there is a possibility of inclement weather for your event we will call you at the telephone number on file. Usually we will wait until either the night before or the morning of the event, as weather reports can change substantially in a matter of hours. If there is a chance of showers 50% or less, you can decide whether you wish to chance it, or whether you prefer to cancel. Cancellation must be prior to our arrival for delivery. Upon delivery, regardless of the length of time the equipment is used the full price is still payable. Weather is a hazard of our business so there is no fee to cancel. If it is currently raining or the chance of showers is greater than 50% or if the forecast calls for high winds (above 25 km/hr), rain, or thunderstorms we reserve the right to cancel and may do so if it is absolutely necessary. If the weather is actively raining, wind is above 25 km/hr(20 km/hr if set up on concrete) and/or the temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius we will NOT set up as it may present a risk of injury to participants, or cause damage to equipment. If your inflatable is set up on concrete with sandbags, we will not set up if the wind is above 20 km/hr. The safety of your kids is always our highest priority.

Some conditions we monitor in the Edmonton area include:

Hail, Sleet, Snow
Temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius


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